Friday, December 26, 2008

Health Information at Your Fingertips

For those of us born in the Generation X era, we’ve watched computer technology go from the joys of Pong when we got our first Atari to using our phones to access the entire spectrum of information available on the Internet.

Some of us have grasped the technology with a little more fervor than others. Some folks still prefer to get their news and information from newspaper, TV and radio. Others simply log on and search the Web for whatever they need. Some of us are somewhere in the middle.

I fit into that third group. I grew up on newspapers and while I kind of understand technology, it can be pretty intimidating. At the same time, I appreciate the things it has to offer as – especially when it comes to finding information. And because everyone gets their information in different ways and different places, Martin Memorial wanted to help people access health care topics any time they wanted in a variety of ways.

So in November 2007, Martin Memorial started offering a variety of multimedia formats that deliver news, notes and resources not only on what’s happening in the health system, but also the world of health in general.

We started with this blog, Martin Memorial Housecall. Since that time, we’ve had thousands of visitors to the site and written on topics ranging from cancer and heart disease to how to train for a 5K run.

In December 2007, we launched Martin Memorial Healthcast, a podcast that touches on a wide range of health issues. That’s included tips on how to reach fitness and nutritional goals, as well as how Martin Memorial is partnering in revolutionary cancer care research.

In April 2008, Martin Memorial’s MDoc TV hit the Internet. The videocast is produced in a TV news-like segment and features health issues as well as information on how to improve your health from physicians. You can also see MDoc TV episodes by clicking on the links at the bottom of this page.

We’ve learned a lot in the last year and hope our readers, listeners and viewers have too. There’ll be more to come in 2009 but we hope you’ll continue to check out what’s happening in health through our blog, podcasts and videocasts.

Stay tuned.

--Scott Samples
Public Information Coordinator

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