Thursday, February 26, 2009

Don’t Give Up on that Resolution to Quit Smoking – Program Can Help Reach Goal

How’s the New Year’s Resolution to stop smoking going? That bad, huh?

Well, I’m here to help.

Martin Memorial Health Systems has a smoking cessation program called “Living Tobacco Free.” It’s a six-week program that consists of meeting weekly to discuss different topics, such as coping strategies, identifying triggers, exercise, nutrition and more. Each week we have a guest speaker and time to reflect on your pros and cons for the week, thereby helping your fellow future non-smokers.

Having been a smoker myself for more than 20 years, I decided that the time had come when I wanted to quit. Smoking was no longer “working” for me (as if it ever really did). The Martin Memorial Center for Health and Healing decided to start a smoking cessation program and I was in the first group in January 2007. Well, it’s been over two years since I’ve had a cigarette and I feel great!

Other people have had similar results as well. Our program has an 80 percent quit rate – that’s eight out of 10 people who quit smoking for good when they decided enough was enough and joined Martin Memorial’s Living Tobacco Free program. They did it, I did it, and so can you.

It’s important that you want to quit – don’t join because someone else wants you to. This is your decision to make, no one else’s. So let 2009 by your time to shine and live tobacco free.

If you’re ready, call the Health and Healing Department at (772) 223-4916 and sign up for the next Living Tobacco Free program.

--Maureen Daniello, RN, CDE
Program Coordinator, Diabetes Education

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