For patients facing a lung cancer diagnosis, there are a number of resources available at the Robert and Carol Weissman Cancer Center.
A new clinical trial recently came available at the cancer center for patients who are going to undergo surgery for presumed lung cancer. This study would randomize (assign) patients to the standard surgery for their cancer or a surgery that requires less lung tissue to be removed. The study’s goal is to see if removing less lung tissue will still result in the patient staying disease free, with the additional benefit of having more lung tissue remaining.
Since the study requires a very small tumor, all of the stages of lung cancer are now covered by clinical trials.
We also have a lung cancer support group that is facilitated by myself and a social worker. This group is for all lung cancer patients and their families or caregivers. The group meets on the third Tuesday of every month in the cancer center meeting room from 2 to 3:30 p.m.
An educational component is included in the meetings – for example, we have had a panel of nurses speaking on different treatments and plan to speak about depression and anxiety. Patients are encouraged to let us know what they would like to be included in the education portion of the group.
As the lung cancer navigator, I am available to assist patients and their families in dealing with a diagnosis of lung cancer. Whether it’s a link to resources, helping to communicate with doctors or education, I can help.
To find out more information on the resources available for lung cancer patients at Martin Memorial, please call me at (772) 223-5945, ext. 1669.
-- Lindsay Mattino, RN, BA
Clinical Research Coordinator
Genetics Nurse Educator
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