Are you ready for change?
We’re not talking about a new change in our presidency here, but a new change in you! We are almost a month into the New Year and while many of you are still in the resolutions mode, have you actually made healthy changes? What unhealthy baggage from 2007 you will leave behind?
There is a plethora of health information out there for you to consume, whether it’s from the Internet, TV and print ads, or your wheat-germ eating, marathon-running, healthy neighbor. Despite this saturation-information age, the healthy path for you can still be misguided, and what works for one person will not work for the next.
Even if you have found something that interests you, doesn’t break your bank and sounds good, are you ready for change? Are you ready to do your part? Leading behavioralists tell us that behavior modification or behavior change comes in stages. One of those theories, called “Stages of Change” breaks it down into the following categories. Ask yourself which stage you are in:
· Pre-contemplator – individual not considering change
· Contemplator – individual favors change but hasn’t adopted an action plan
· Planning – individual selected a strategy but hasn’t used it yet
· Action – attempts are being made (stop smoking, lose weight, adhere to the doctor’s advice, etc.)
· Maintenance – individual makes deliberate attempts to continue the change behaviors
Then, there’s lapse and relapse, a temporary or permanent return to the previous behavior (back to smoking, eating high fat, not taking medications as prescribed). You need to call out for help if you are in these stages!
Statistics tell us that the further down the change continuum you are, the better your chances of success in adopting permanent change.
If you are a pre-contemplator or contemplator, it may not be a good idea to lay down money on a weight-loss program until you are ready for change. You may serve your needs better by reading more materials, checking out options, asking more questions. All the health education programs offered to you won’t make a difference until you are ready for change.
If you are in the planning stage, now is the time to sign up for a behavior modification program, such as our HealthyLIFE weight-management programs or our Living Tobacco Free program. You are ready for change and should jump into action, because you will get a return on your investment. If you are in the action and maintenance phase, good for you! Keep doing what you are doing and continue to create a healthy environment for yourself.
So, if you are ready for change, then it’s time to sign on the dotted line!
--Lani Kee
Manager, Martin Memorial Center for Health and Healing
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